Monday, October 23, 2006

The New Guy (a.k.a. My New Insecurity)

So… those 8 days came and went. It all went pretty well. Me and my new guy (he needs a nickname now… I’m calling him TO) got along surprisingly well. That’s huge for me because I’m really good at fighting with people, even BF-to-be types.

Until we get the long-distance thing worked out, he’s just my “BF-to-be”. Yet, somehow, I’m already getting jealous for this guy.

I noticed that when we walked around in a mall, girls would check him out. This (not so surprisingly, perhaps) is new to me. This makes me a protective non-GF, which is something I’m not proud of. TO also has a lot of pretty female friends. He acts totally proper with them, but they do take away from my precious TO time. This makes PinkBunny NOT happy. PinkBunny is greedy like that. And also extremely insecure. I secretly suspect that they're all after him.

PinkBunny also needs to stop talking in 3rd person. This is not a good sign.


At 10/24/2006 01:42:00 AM, Blogger Galactichero said...

This should be fun.

At 10/24/2006 06:17:00 PM, Blogger Caro said...

what'd you guys do for 8 days? where'd he stay?

i'm so nosey. ;)

At 10/24/2006 06:38:00 PM, Blogger Galactichero said...

I told you, she has a very big bed...

At 10/24/2006 07:51:00 PM, Blogger PinkBunny said...

G likes to make me sound naughty, but I'm sorry, I have to disappoint.

We went shopping quite a bit, but didn't buy much. Did a lot of touristy stuff, even drove down to Seattle.

Actually, I was pretty bad with the hosting. I didn't wake up until the PM most days, so the days were pretty short. (I hope he's not disappointed...) But, overall it was really fun. TO and I can just sit and talk for hours on end.

At 10/24/2006 07:56:00 PM, Blogger PinkBunny said...

Oh yes, where'd he stay? He stayed at a hotel for a few days, and at his relative's house for a few.

I still live with my family, so that would've been very awkward.

At 10/26/2006 10:47:00 PM, Blogger Mere Rhetoric said...

Hmmm, I think I know who it is...I ran into toothbrush-disturber in the summer and he was asking if you and "TO" are an item, as if I'd know!

Does TO know about this page? or other former classmates? Cuz then I'd want to change the toothbrush thing... :P

At 10/27/2006 10:31:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you "make out?"

At 10/27/2006 01:30:00 PM, Blogger Galactichero said...

... on yer "big bed"?

At 10/29/2006 04:01:00 PM, Blogger PinkBunny said...

BWUAHAHAHA J... "toothbrush-disturber". So funny!

I sent TO my blog a long time ago. Hopefully, he doesn't read it often. (crossing fingers) Or else this can get mighty embarrassing for me.

I didn't tell anyone else I actually know in real life about my blog. It is too private to share. So, you can talk about toothbrush-disturber all you want. :)

As to Nic and G's question, the answer is "no". Maybe I will tell you guys when it became a "yes". Maybe not. You two make me self-conscious.

At 10/31/2006 10:28:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NO KISSING???!!!!!!!


why not?!

At 10/31/2006 07:25:00 PM, Blogger Galactichero said...


At 10/31/2006 09:24:00 PM, Blogger PinkBunny said...

Next time I'll make a move ;)


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