Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Everybody’s been pissing me off these past few days. Either the universe is against me, or I am just cranky. Somehow, nobody is saying what I want them to say, and everybody is judging my decisions.

I do realize that I could just warn people about stepping on my taboo topics, but they don't remember! I absolutely despise where I am. I'm starting to hate my own life.

Great. I sound like a kid again. I hate being called a kid.

I am just so frustrated that nothing is going the way I want it to. Nothing! I need to punch somebody.


Update (7:50am):

Holy Mood Swings, Batman! That was an angry post! Good thing I fumed/cried myself to bed right after. I would've broken some furnature!

My newest Terry Goodkind book arrived in the mail. I think it's about time I gave it my full attention.


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