“Centaurs are mythic figures, half-horse and half-human, who are always shooting their arrows at some distant target over the horizon and then galloping off in hot pursuit. Sometimes they find the arrow. Sometimes they get completely sidetracked by all the interesting scenery along the way.”I usually don’t believe any of my horoscopes, mostly because it could be true for anyone. But, I love that last part about Sagittarians. I feel like I’m a funny creature.
You're half horse?
I'm cool like that
this will DEFINITLY make much more interesting
I'm still waiting for my porn, Nic. No more commenting from you until I get my porn.
Which half is the horse half? A dangerous question...
Horse and porn should never be mentioned in the general vicinity of each other
I had considered that. It had to be done.
Apparently they shouldn't be slaughered either.
has anyone here heard of the "shows" in mexico?
on that note, has anyone SEEN one of said "shows"
I go to the "shows" for the cheap beer.
I also read playboy for the articles and watch adult films to identify the flaws in the plot lines.
heh. I've never even thought of checking out a "show"
How do YOU know about them?
Mind of Mencia.
You should keep it in mind. Might be a way to make some money...
This colts/giants game is turning out pretty good. I need to go to bed though. Of course, I won't...
I don't really follow what the "shows" refer to. Somebody enlighten me?
i was friends with many fraternity boys - the stories make you vomit (no really)
Think about a woman...
Now think about a donkey...
Now think about a woman with no clothes, and a donkey, with no clothes, and use your imagination...
Bow chicka bow bow!!!
I am amused.
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