Wednesday, December 27, 2006


I got a Cheerios ad on my google bar! That is cool.

I'll be MIA for a few days. Family trip.

Catch up with you all in a bit!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Today's one of those days where I wake up, and I'm not quite right. I'm not sad or depressed or anything bad, really. Just somehow off.

Everyone else is getting off from school or work, but I don't follow that schedule, so that's also throwing me off. I don't get the luxury of having time off. I need to work before I get to break from work.

TO's gone back home for the holidays. He's meeting up with one of my best buddies from university... except I lost that buddy as a result of some highschool-type drama back in 4th year. (Refer to comments section of my previous blog: here.) This makes me nostalgic. If only I was less of an immature kid back then, I wouldn't have put my buddy in a position where he would have the opportunity to choose someone else over me.

Sigh. Not a good day for blogging.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Being a geek

I am a geek. I love spending time surfing blogs and forums, and learning movie trivia off IMDB. I perk up when online conversations include superheroes. I know which X-Men power I want (Jean Grey), which of the “Heroes” I want to be (Hiro), which superhero is THE true superhero (Superman), and what I would do if I had a time machine (go back and stalk everyone). When I’m not surfing or upgrading my blog or planning which movie I’m going to line up for on opening day, I’m in front of the TV watching cartoons or one of my favorite shows (of which there are many). I like doing daily crossword puzzles and sometimes attempt one of those Sudoku things, even if I end up reverse looking up words with Wikipedia and cross-referencing them with

Yes yes, I see how I am unproductive and overall lazy. But, there’s a point here.

My TO… he is not a geek. (Comparatively.)

I get sensitive when he calls me geeky as a joke. (Hey, geeks can be sensitive too!) Maybe I'm just a self-conscious geek. Geekette.

… there was a point to this blog when I first started typing it. I have since lost that point.

(I am having fun with the talking in brackets though.)