Back to highschool
Inspired by Caro's online profile blog, here's the story of how high school has revisited my life...About two months ago, I went to my friend's flute recital. She invited my close group of girl friends from high school and a bunch of other high school people I never really associated with in the past. (I was geeky AND an athlete, so I was pretty much an outcast, save for my girl friends.) After the recital, we started to catch up with said "unknown" high school people, and one guy started paying more attention to me. This was NOT GOOD because the girls and I were actually trying to set one of our group up with him. I'm going to call him Clueless, for being dumb enough to try to hit on me when one of my best friends might have liked him (and was also present).
That day came and went, and I tried to be friendly to him, but not anything more than that. I refused all invitations for coffee and ignored him a few times when he got too interested in my life. This was also a bad time for him because it was right before TO was coming to visit me for the first time, and I really couldn't focus on anything else.
A week later, one of the girls mass e-mails everyone and asks, "What's up with PinkBunny and Clueless? I'm hearing gossip!" Being anxious to put a stop to any nonsense, I called up the girl and asked her what she had heard. She avoided my questions for a bit, dropped a few names, and ended up telling me that Clueless declared he likes me. To whom? I have no idea.
Weeks go by without anyone saying anything... then...
The recital girl has a birthday party. The girls all show up and eventually the Clueless topic comes up. Apparently, someone from the group had told him that I found out that he liked me. (Does this get any more high school?) He thought recital girl was the one that told me, so he called her to yell at her for her lousy secret keeping, when in fact it was the mass e-mail girl who told me. And she DIDN'T hear from recital girl. This is a diagram of how I actually found out:
ME <--> Mass e-mail girl <--> Her boyfriend <--> His best friend from high school <--> Clueless
That's 4 degrees!
This amazes me. People never grow up.
As a result of all this,
- The set-up between Clueless and one of our girls was ruined
- Clueless has been uninvited for all future events (indefinitely), even though I found this whole thing hilarious and would like to see his face when he finds out that everyone knows everything.
- Clueless didn't learn a thing. He still tried to ask me out for coffee in a very weird way. (He made up some story about him being my talent agent. Dude needs a life.)
- I have finally gone through the "High School Experience". I had thought I missed out.
ewwwww so highschool!
I havn't heard the "I like her does she like me" talk in a long ass time. I like a lot of people - and my crushes come and go within the hour. I'll be the first to tell someone they look hot or that I like their personality too.
If he was embarrassed that you knew that he "liked" you - as if you couldn't tell by the millions of calls - he would probably suck a lot in the dating field.
what?! WTF? that can't be serious. you're not 15 anymore. at least you can step back and laugh at the entire situation.
i like the name "clueless" for a guy who's dumb. i'd go out on a limb and call him cluelessly dumb. or dummy. or dum-dum.
or...i'm not funny. wah.
The entire situation is very laughable, but it's also very disheartening to find out that some people just never stop being little kids.
This guy probably does suck a lot in the dating field. I can't imagine his "talent agent" routine EVER working on any girls.
I never stopped being a kid. I laughed for an hour tonight remembering "Mr. Meathead" from Ren and Stimpy. I argue with 5 year olds. I read comic books and watch cartoons.
Ah PB, you forget that you had experienced some "high school experiences" in undergrad...and with the same person who tried to pull BS on me too! You know...the go-behind-your-back-and-tell-lies-but-act-sweet-to-your-face person.
I think the common denominator in all of these stories is that you have a "transmitter" and "receiver" of the immature behaviour to propagate, because everything becomes a game of broken telephone once the initial shit-disturber (pardon my language) lets loose, unless someone confronts said SD.
I also didn't experience that kind of immature behaviour in high school, so I think it's just something that certain people have a knack for.
Lessons: Choose your friends wisely and don't put up with SDs.
Oh yeah, I didn't confront, I just ignored because I thought I was bigger than that, but it still annoys me to hell that people think the SD is so nice, when I have seen the true face. When you told me that the SD was implying bad things about me to your friends (who I don't even know!), it did bother me at the time that you didn't say anything to stick up for me, but I know that you don't like to rock the boat and confront people either.
I have no patience for fake people. That is why the SD is one of two people that I actually cannot stand, even though I should just forget about it. I just don't understand why the SD would make up bald-faced lies that would obviously get back to me (ie. by telling them to my childhood friend?!) when we barely interacted. Everyone else, I either like or don't care about.
Oh yeah... wow... how did I forget the SD? She was my mortal enemy for a long time. I think I did take it a bit too far with her though, by basically implying that she was sex-craved. (Haha I'm cracking myself up.)
Equally "wow" for how immature I was. I should've gone Girl Fight on her when she crossed the line with you. Don't worry, I've changed. I'm more confrontational now. You'll find me way more useful as a fighter.
I didn't know you said she is sex-crazed...I just had a feeling that she liked all of the attention.
Yeah, I just don't know what her problem was, why she started rumours about me when I barely knew her. Some people are just so "high school!"
Even when you start working, these situations not disappear as people "mature", but will become "office politics" (same scenarios, different name). You just have to be able to identify who the SDs are and take everything they say with a grain of salt, if you pay any attention to them at all.
That being said, it would be funny if you just said to the SD, "you're full of BS" and see what kind of reaction you'd get. Some people need to put others down to bring themselves up, but that's just being self-centered.
glad we can still rant about these things. :) mortal enemy....haha....i remember that...
ps. it took like 5 tries before the visual verification showed up so i could post this! my computer/internet connection/blogger???
Ok I didn't really call her "sex-crazed" exactly, but you really couldn't tell the difference after all the broken telephone messages.
What happened was... she left me hanging with hotel money after she decided to switch rooms on a school trip. She switched to a room with just her and her bf-at-the-time. Being naturally pissed, I wondered, "Hmm I guess she wants privacy with her boyfriend!" Outloud.
And then it spread.
I know that was quite bad of me, but I still say she started it. =p
Then after that, she told everyone I was spreading rumors about her having sex with her boyfriend (I still don't see how that was something she needed to hide) and then it became about how I was being a bitch and ruining this poor girl's final exams.
Seriously. Next time I see her, if she tries to pull the same "poor me" routine on me, I'm going Girl Fight on her.
Mortal enemy! Hyyaahhh!!!
hmm, i vaguely remember that, but i guess it's karma for her...what goes around comes around...
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